Estate Eviction House Clean Out Junk Removal

How Much Does a Whole House Clean Out Cost? Affordable Solutions!

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factors into whole house clean out cost

How much does a whole house clean out cost? It depends! It’s like asking how much does a week’s worth of groceries cost? It depends on things like the size of your family. How much do they eat?

Similarly, a whole house clean out cost depends on the size of your home and how much stuff is inside to be removed.

A whole house clean out cost will depend on the size of the house and the volume of items that needs to be removed. It’s important to note that the cost of a clean out can vary greatly, depending on the individual needs of the homeowner. For example, if there is a lot of furniture or appliances that need to be removed, the cost may be higher than if only smaller items are being removed.

Cleaning out an entire house can be a challenging and labor intensive task. That’s why many people choose to hire professionals to handle the job. We always recommend getting an in person estimate from a junk removal company before committing to a clean out service.

Factors that can impact whole house clean out cost

The size of the house and the amount of clutter to be removed are major factors that can affect the cost of a whole house clean out. However, there are other factors that can greatly impact the overall price too.

Location of the Home

Another factor in determining price is the location of the home. Prices for labor and disposal fees may vary greatly depending on where you live. For example, if you live in an urban area with high labor costs and limited landfill space, you may end up paying more than if you lived in a rural area with lower costs. In Harrisburg City the disposal fees are twice what they are outside of the city limits, that cost affects the price.


Another factor to consider is accessibility. If your home is located in an area that is difficult to reach or has limited parking options, this could result in additional labor fees. Additionally, if your home has multiple levels or requires special equipment to access certain areas, this could also add to the final cost. A 3rd story attic clean out will cost more than a ranch home clean out.

Specialized Services

Finally, any specialized services needed will also increase the overall price. For example, if your home has mold, this will require specialized removal techniques and disposal methods which will add to the total cost.

It’s important to keep these additional factors in mind when considering a whole house clean out service. By doing so, you’ll have a better understanding of what goes into determining the final cost and can make an informed decision based on your individual needs and budget.

Typically, a professional whole out clean out will cost will vary anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the above factors. For example, a small one-bedroom apartment might cost a few hundred dollars, while a large multi-bedroom house with years of accumulated clutter could cost several thousand dollars.

whole house clean out cost affordable solutions

Benefits of hiring a professional Junk Removal Company for a whole house clean out

Cleaning out an entire house can be a daunting and overwhelming task, especially if you’re dealing with years’ worth of accumulated clutter and debris. That’s why many people choose to hire professionals to handle the job. Here are some of the key benefits of hiring a professional service for a whole house clean out:

Experience and Expertise

Firstly, professionals have experience and expertise in dealing with all sorts of clutter and debris. They also have the necessary tools and equipment to handle larger items like furniture or appliances without damaging your home.


Another benefit is that professional services can save you time and energy. Cleaning out an entire house can take weeks or even months if you’re doing it on your own. By hiring professionals, you can free up your time to focus on other important tasks while they handle the heavy lifting.

Physical Strength

Junk removal requires heavy lifting and dirty work. Save your back and all the struggles that go with heavy lifting. Let a professional like Soldiers Hauling Junk Removal do the dirty work for you.

Help with Decision-Making

Additionally, professionals can help you make tough decisions about what to keep and what to get rid of. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of clutter in your home, it can be helpful to have an objective third party guide you through the process of deciding what’s worth keeping and what’s not.

Peace of Mind

Finally, hiring a professional service can give you peace of mind knowing that the job will be done right. Professionals are insured, which means that if anything goes wrong during the clean out process, the company will be held responsible for any damages or injuries that occur.

Overall, while it may seem like an added expense upfront, hiring a professional service for a whole house clean out is often well worth the cost. Not only will it save you time and energy in the long run, but it can also ensure that the job is done safely and efficiently.

How to find reputable companies that offer whole house clean out services

Finding the right company to handle your whole house clean out can be a daunting task. However, there are several steps you can take to ensure that you’re working with a reputable and trustworthy company.

First ask for recommendations from friends or family members who have had similar services done in the past. Look online for reviews and ratings of local companies, we are fans of NextDoor.

It’s important to check that the company has a license to haul trash and is insured. This will protect both you and the workers in case of any accidents or damages that may occur during the clean out process.

Find out where they dispose of materials to ensure there is no illegal dumping. Feel free to ask to see a dump receipt, any reputable company keeps good records and would be happy to share this information with you. Learn more about illegal dumping in PA and how you can be responsible if your items are illegally dumped.

Ask what they do with all the items they remove. Do they take steps to keep items out of landfills? Soldiers Hauling Junk Removal recycles, re-homes and donates items to keep as much out of landfills as possible. This can give you peace of mind knowing that everything is handled in an environmentally responsible manner.

Finally, be sure to get a written estimate from each company before committing to their services. This should include all costs associated with the clean out, including labor, disposal fees.

By following these steps, you can feel confident in your choice of whole house clean out provider and rest assured that your home will be taken care of properly. The benefits of hiring a professional for a whole house clean out will ease your burden so you can focus on more important things.

what does a whole house clean out cost

What to Expect During the Whole House Clean Out Process

If you’ve hired a professional service for your whole house clean out, it’s important to know what to expect during the process. While each company may have their own unique approach, most will follow a similar set of steps.

First, the clean out team will typically access the space and create a plan of action. At Soldiers Hauling Junk Removal, on large jobs we create a staging area for all items to be salvaged and recycled.

Once a plan has been established, the team will begin removing all items from the home. This may include furniture, appliances, clothing, and other personal belongings. Depending on the size of your job, this can take several hours or even days to complete.

Throughout the process, it’s important to communicate with the clean out team about any specific needs or concerns you may have. For example, if there are sentimental items that you would like to keep. It’s always best to remove any items you want to keep prior to the clean out. Or set them aside in a designated area.  If it’s not possible to move items, we use bright colored post it notes to label items. One color means items stay, another color means items go.

After the team has removed all items from the home, they will typically do a final sweep to ensure that everything has been taken care of properly. This usually involves sweeping the floors.

While a whole house clean out can be a daunting task, hiring a professional service can make it much easier and less stressful. By knowing what to expect during the process and communicating with your chosen company throughout each step, you can feel confident in your decision and enjoy a clutter-free home once again.

Tips for Preparing Your Home for a Whole House Clean Out

If you’ve decided to hire a professional service for your whole house clean out, there are several steps you can take to prepare your home and make the process go more smoothly. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Take Inventory of Your Belongings

Before the clean out team arrives, it’s a good idea to take inventory of your belongings and decide what you want to keep and what you want to get rid of. This will save time during the actual clean out process and ensure that nothing is accidentally thrown away that you wanted to keep. We love bright post it notes to clearly mark items that stay or go – one color for stay or one color for items that go.

Clear Out Obstacles

Make sure that the path from each room to the outside of your home is clear of obstacles such as furniture or clutter. This will make it easier for the clean out team to quickly remove items from your home without any delays or accidents. If you’re unable to do this prior to the clean out, the junk removal company should clear a path to make sure walkways are safe.

Label Items for Donation or Recycling

If you plan on donating or recycling certain items, be sure to label them as such before the clean out team arrives. This will ensure that these items are properly handled and not accidentally thrown away. Colored post it notes are awesome for this! An experienced junk removal company will also know what items can be donated and where – check out our donations resources page for more.

Secure Valuables

If there are any valuable items in your home, such as jewelry or important documents, be sure to move them before the clean out team arrives. It’s always best to move valuable items to a separate area or room until the clean out is complete.

Communicate with the Clean Out Team

Finally, be sure to communicate with the clean out team about any specific needs or concerns you may have. For example, if there are sentimental items that you would like to keep, be sure to point them out before work begins and color code them with a sticky note. Clear communication before the job will ensure that everything goes smoothly and according to plan.

By following these tips, you can help prepare your home for a whole house clean out and make the process go more smoothly overall. With a little bit of preparation ahead of time, you’ll be able to enjoy a clutter-free home in no time!

How to handle sentimental items during a whole house clean out

One of the most challenging aspects of a whole house clean out can be deciding what to do with sentimental items. These are often things that hold special memories or emotional value, such as photos, heirlooms, or personal mementos.

If you’re struggling with how to handle sentimental items during your clean out, here are some tips to help:

Set aside a separate box for sentimental items

Before the clean out team arrives, set aside a separate box for all sentimental items that you want to keep. This will help ensure that these items don’t accidentally get thrown away or donated.

Take photos of sentimental items

If you have larger sentimental items such as furniture or artwork that won’t fit in the box, consider taking photos of them instead. This way you can still keep the memory without having to physically hold onto the item.

Ask family members if they want anything

If there are certain sentimental items that you don’t necessarily want to keep but that other family members may cherish, consider asking them if they want anything before getting rid of it.

Consider digitizing photos and documents

If you have a lot of sentimental photos or documents, consider digitizing them so that you can still access them even after they’re removed from your home. There are many local services available that can help with this process like Allen’s Memory Lane.

Don’t be afraid to let go

While it’s important to hold onto special memories and keepsakes, it’s also important not to let sentimentality cloud your judgment. If there are certain items that no longer serve a purpose or bring joy into your life, it may be time to let them go.

By following these tips, you can handle sentimental items during your whole house clean out in a way that feels respectful and mindful of their importance. Remember, the goal is not just to declutter your home but also to create a space where you feel comfortable and at peace.





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